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KRIS Sheepscot: Chart Table Page

Area West Branch Sheepscot
Topic Fish: Electrofishing - Salmon Density in Lower West Branch 1989-1998

Caption:  The Chart Table "fish_efish_11westbr0.54_asc_89_98_density.db" was derived from the Source Table "fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db" by filtering on the TripNo field. It contains Atlantic salmon densities calculated from electrofishing surveys in the lower West Branch Sheepscot River at Howe Road (river kilometer 0.54) from 1989-1998. The Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission (ASC) assembled the data and calculated density estimates. Most column headings begin with data type, followed by a suffix denoting whether the data in a column is for "Parr" or "YOY". A key to column headings: Date = Date of survey, TripNo = A unique identifier for each survey (SITECODE combined with survey date), LifeStage_ = Life Stage record applies to, Density_ = Point estimate of density, Dens95Low_ = 95% confidence interval - lower bound of point estimate density, Dens95High_ = 95% confidence interval - upper bound of point estimate density, Dens95LowWhisker_ = Density_ minus Dens95Low_ (lower whisker on chart), Dens95HighWhisker_ = Dens95High_ minus Density_ (upper whisker on chart), PopEstimate_ = Point estimate of salmon present in sample site (N) 95%Low_ = 95% confidence interval - lower bound of point estimate 95%High_ = 95% confidence interval - upper bound of point estimate, StandardError_ = Standard error of the population estimate (SE), CaptureProbability_ = Estimate capture probability (p); TotalCatch_ = Sum of catches for all runs (T), Method_ = Type of abundance estimator used.

 50 rows of a possible 86 have been displayed.

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To download the table with the chart's data, click fish_efish_11westbr0.54_asc_89_98_density.db (size 18,432 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's data as an Excel spreadsheet, click fish_efish_11westbr0.54_asc_89_98_density.db.xls (size 10,752 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db (size 34,816 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's source data as an Excel spreadsheet, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db.xls (size 45,566 bytes)