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KRIS Sheepscot: Chart Table Page

Area Mainstem Sheepscot
Topic Fish: Electrofishing - Salmon Density in Sheep. R at H Tide 1968-1983

Caption:  The Chart Table "fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_83_density_11mainst10.17.db" was derived from the Source Table "fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db" by filtering on the TripNo field. It contains Atlantic salmon densities calculated from electrofishing surveys in the Sheepscot River at Head Tide (river kilometer 10.17) from 1968 to 1983. The Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission (ASC) assembled the data and calculated density estimates. Most column headings begin with data type, followed by a suffix denoting whether the data in a column is for "Parr" or "YOY". A key to column headings: Date = Date of survey, TripNo = A unique identifier for each survey (SITECODE combined with survey date), LifeStage_ = Life Stage record applies to, Density_ = Point estimate of density, Dens95Low_ = 95% confidence interval - lower bound of point estimate density, Dens95High_ = 95% confidence interval - upper bound of point estimate density, Dens95LowWhisker_ = Density_ minus Dens95Low_ (lower whisker on chart), Dens95HighWhisker_ = Dens95High_ minus Density_ (upper whisker on chart), PopEstimate_ = Point estimate of salmon present in sample site (N) 95%Low_ = 95% confidence interval - lower bound of point estimate 95%High_ = 95% confidence interval - upper bound of point estimate, StandardError_ = Standard error of the population estimate (SE), CaptureProbability_ = Estimate capture probability (p); TotalCatch_ = Sum of catches for all runs (T), Method_ = Type of abundance estimator used.

 50 rows of a possible 86 have been displayed.

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To download the table with the chart's data, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_83_density_11mainst10.17.db (size 18,432 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's data as an Excel spreadsheet, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_83_density_11mainst10.17.db.xls (size 5,632 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db (size 34,816 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's source data as an Excel spreadsheet, click fish_efish_sheep_asc_58_03_density_source.db.xls (size 45,566 bytes)