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Fine Sediment in Spawning Gravels | Stream cross sections |
Gravel Permeability | Turbidity |
Fine sediment in pools |
The amount of fine sediment in the streambed can be measured to determine suitability for salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing (McNeil and Ahnell, 1964). Long-term monitoring can help identify trends in sediment supply and movement through a stream system. If used correctly, these tools can be used to make sure that habitat is recovering.
Fine Sediment in Spawning Gravels
Gravel permeability, dissolved oxygen, and gravel particle size composition are parameters affecting the survival of incubating salmonid embryos. Dissolved oxygen in the interstitial spaces of stream gravels can be measured using a standpipe (Barnard and McBain, 1994). This provides an opportunity to associate local gravel permeability and dissolved oxygen concentrations with physical substrate characteristics, including particle size distribution and vertical stratification. Chapman (1988) showed that survival of eggs and alevin was positively correlated to permeability. Barnard and McBain (1994) found that for "permeabilities greater than 10,000 cm/hr, embryo survival was greater than 85 percent; however, considerable scatter exists for permeabilities lower than 10,000 cm/hr". McBain and Trush (2000) noted that the relationship between permeability and salmonid egg survival is not well understood and concluded that permeability "should only be considered an index of gravel quality, and predictions of salmonid reproductive success are tentative."
Fine sediment in poolsThe amount of fine sediment in pools can be quantified using the V* method developed by the U.S. Forest Service Redwood Sciences Laboratory. V* is the amount of fine sediment in a pool relative to the total volume of fine sediment and water. A tape measure is run up the middle of the pool, and perpendicular transects are selected along the entire length of the pool. A stainless steel probe is used to measure the depth of fine sediment along the transect. Ten pools, a valid sample, can be measured by a trained crew in just one day, yielding statistically rich data. Therefore, V* is an ideal monitoring tool for determining if fine sediment is increasing or decreasing in response to land management or restoration efforts. V*, however, should not be used in steep, confined reaches (such as Rosgen A channel types) but rather should be used in reaches with milder gradients (Rosgen B2, B3, or C channel types). One variable of note when using V* is that different amounts of pressure on the probe may result in penetration of the bed to several depths. This may indicate multiple armor layers from previous disturbance regimes, such as early logging.
Reid (personal communication), in a recent study of Humboldt County streams, found a high correlation between elevated turbidities and high road densities and widespread, recent timber harvesting. Models based on the field data indicate that in disturbed watersheds, streams experience turbidities greater than 100 nephlometric turbidity units (NTU) for two to three months a year, whereas streams in undisturbed watersheds have such high NYU readings only two or three days in a three year period.
Holtby et al. (1990) found that ocean survival rates decrease for coho salmon as the size of out-migrating smolts decreases. Sigler et al. (1984) found that growth of steelhead and coho salmon juveniles was retarded when turbidity chronically exceeded 25 ntu. It is possible that increased turbidity could be a major limiting factor for coho salmon growth and survival. High turbidity is also associated with scouring of algae which grows on rocks and decreased survival of aquatic insects. The TMDL report for the Noyo River (EPA, 1999) did not set targets for turbidity because of a lack of baseline data. Turbidity standards have been set by some states, such as Alaska, where an increase of no more than 5 NTU above background is allowed for drinking water sources and not more than 25 NTU over background for other streams (Lloyd, 1987).
Barnard, K. and S. McBain. 1994. Using a Standpipe to Determine Permeability, Dissolved Oxygen, and Vertical Particle Size Distribution in Salmonid Spawning Gravels. As FHR Currents # 15. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 12 pp.
Bisson, P. A. and R.E. Bilby. 1982. Avoidance of suspended sediment by juvenile coho salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2 (4):371-374.
Chapman. D.W. 1988. Critical Review of Variables Used to Define Effects of Fines in Redds of Large Salmonids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 117: 1-21.
Cordone, A.J. and D.W. Kelly. 1961. The influence of sediment on aquatic life in streams. California Department of Fish and Game Journal. 47:1047-1080.
Hames, D.S., B. Conrad, A. Pleus and D. Smith. 1996 . TFW Ambient Monitoring Program Report: Field comparison of the McNeil sampler with three shovel-based methods used to sample spawning substrate composition in small streams. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. May 1996.
Holtby, L.B., B.C. Andersen and R.K. Kadowski. 1990. Importance of smolt size and early ocean growth to inter-annual variability of marine survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Vol 4.
Lloyd, D.S. 1987. Turbidity as a water quality standard for salmonid habitats in Alaska. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 7(1):33-45.
Lotspeich, F.B. and F.H. Everest. 1980. A new method for reporting and interpreting textural composition of spawning gravel. U.S. Forest Service Research Note: PNW-139.
Newcombe, C.P. and D.D. MacDonald. 1991. Effects of suspended sediment on aquatic ecosystems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 11: 72-82.
McBain and Trush. 2000. Spawning gravel composition and permeability within the Garcia River watershed, CA. Final Report. Prepared for Mendocino County Resource Conservation District. 32 pages without appendices.
McNeil, W. J. and W.H. Ahnell. 1964.Success of Pink Spawning Relative to Size of Spawning Bed Material. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report—Fisheries No. 469. Washington, D.C. 17 pp.
Reid, Leslie. Personal communication. U.S.F.S. Redwood Sciences Lab, Arcata, CA.
Sigler, J.W., T.C. Bjornn and F.H. Everst. 1984. Effects of Chronic Turbidity on Density and Growth of Steelhead and Coho Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 113:142-150.
Table of Contents for Background Pages |
Stream Conditions: | Water Quality | Sediment | Riparian | Big Wood | Habitat Types |
Watershed Conditions: | Vegetation Types | Slope Stability | Roads & Erosion | Cumulative Impacts | Urbanization |
Fish & Aquatic Life: | Fish Populations | Amphibians | Aquatic Insects | Hatcheries | Fish Disease |
Restoration: | Stream Clearance | In-stream Structures | Riparian | Watershed | Strategy |
Geology / Hydrology: | Geology | Soils | Precipitation | Stream Flow | Channel Processes |
Policy & Regulation | ESA | TMDL | Forest Rules | 1603 Permits | Water Rights |
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