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KRIS Ten Mile: Picture Page
Area | North Fork Ten Mile |
Topic | Tour: Ground Photos Low Impact Timber Harvest and Roads NF Ten Mile #2 |
This photo shows grasses emerging from road bed that is not in active use. This type of road surface is highly unlikely to contribute to surface erosion. Mel Krebs of CCC at left of center in blue jacket. Photo by Pat Higgins.
The stump near the young tree starts and the early seral redwood demonstrate how careful harvest can protect young trees. These trees will now grow much faster out of the shade of the tree removed. Note also that spreading duff on adjacent slopes after harvest has prevented surface and gully erosion and also helps build up soils for future benefit of silviculture. Photo by Pat Higgins.
This photo shows another dormant, low-impact logging road and forest with diverse age classes of fir and redwood trees. Photo by Pat Higgins.
Cable skyline corridor of about fifteen feet in width has been used to remove trees selectively with cable suspension systems. Logs can be removed up to 150 feet perpendicular tot he cable allowing for harvest in a wide area of the forest with low impact. Photo by Pat Higgins.
View up dormant logging road with actively managed forest retaining diverse age structure. Photo by Pat Higgins.
Road view of another road without an in-board ditch. Photo by Pat Higgins.
Lynwood Gill explaining to the field trip attendees how removal of one redwood from this group can produce valuable timber but also release the nearby trees to achieve better growth. Photo by Pat Higgins.
Lynwood Gill making a point to the group. Note the logging road or skid trail down hill in the photo has slash spread on it to prevent surface and gully erosion. This will make it possible to re-open this road without excavation because the shape of the road will be maintained. Photo by Pat Higgins.
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