LIBRARY : GUALALA LAYER NAME : THPSCW COVERAGE NAME : THPCWRGNS COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: The THP layers represent data provided by the Califronia Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF), Santa Rosa, CA. This coverage and metadata hardcopy was sent by Suzanne Lange of the California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF). These data are used by CDF for decisions regarding timber harvests and other planning efforts. Polygon data, categorized by year of THP, were converted from polygon type to regions using ArcInfo. All THP years available were then appended (aggregated) into a single region type coverage, to allow areas were overlap occurs to be individually quantified, (e.g. by year, silviculture, etc.). Coverage was then intersected with a Calwater 2.2 coverage to allow segregation of THPs by planning watershed, which could then be individually sorted by year, silviculture, and watershed, etc. It should be noted that this theme is a two dimensional representation of a multidimensional dataset, and can never be 100% accurate. Invariably, there will be overlap (e.g., due to re-entry across multiple years and different silvicultural practices) that cannot be presented or viewed in a two dimensional format. At best, the theme gives a relatively good approximation of the intensity of timber harvest practices within the given region. To view specific and absolutely accurate data, refer to timber harvest themes based on individual years. VITAL STATISTICS: Datum: NAD 27 Projection: UTM Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 (34.0 degrees N) 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 (40.5 degrees N) Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 (120.0 degrees W) Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 (0.0 degrees) False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): 0 Source: US Geological Survey Source Media: Magnetic tape (digital file); mylar maps Source Projection: Geographic (latitude/longitude) Source Units: Degrees minutes seconds Source Scale: 1:24,000 Capture Method: Scanned/digitized Conversion Software: ARC/INFO rev. 8.1 Data Structure: Vector ARC/INFO Coverage Type: Regions ARC/INFO Precision: Double ARC/INFO Tolerances: 1 meter Number of Original Features: Original Layer Size: Data Updated: January 2002 DATA DICTIONARY: DATAFILE NAME: thpcwrgns.patrgn (regions) RECORD LENGTH: 2065 COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 THPCWRGNS# 4 5 B - 21 THPCWRGNS-ID 4 5 B - 25 CWMIN# 4 5 B - 29 CWMIN-ID 4 5 B - 33 IDNUM 12 12 C - 45 HSANAME 35 35 C - 80 SPWSNAME 35 35 C - 115 PWSNAME 35 35 C - 150 ACRES 4 12 F 0 154 YEAR 2 2 I - 156 THPNUM 4 4 I - 160 COUNTY 3 3 C - 163 LANDOWN 25 25 C - 188 SILVI 4 4 C - 192 YARD 2 2 C - 194 COMP_STAT 1 1 C - 195 COMP_DATE 8 8 C - 203 NTMP_NTO 2 2 I - AREA : The area of the polygon in square coverage units. PERIMETER : The length of the polygon perimeter of the polygon in coverage units. thpcwrgns# : The software-assigned unique integer identification number thpcwrgns-ID : A user-assigned identification number CWMIN# : Incremental polygon number CWMIN-ID : Polygon identification number HSANAME : Hydrologic Sub-Area Name SPWSNAME : Super Planning Watershed Name PWSNAME : Planning Watershed Name ACRES : Acreage of watershed polygon ACRES : Unit Acres Actual Acreage Harvested: Acres = Area/4046.86 YEAR : THP Year Actual Year (e.g., 1999) THPNUM : THP Number Actual Number (e.g., 237) NTMPs Begin with 9 Neg. Dec.Begin with 8 COUNTY : County MEN = Mendocino LANDOWN : Owner Name Name of Owner SILVI : Silvicultural Type CLCT = Clearcut SHSC = Shelterwood Seed Cut SHRC = Shelterwood Remv. Cut SHPC = Shelterwood Prep Cut STSC = Seed Tree Seed Cut STRC = Seed Tree Remv. Cut SLCN = Selection CMTH = Commercial Thin SASV = Sanitation Salvage REHB = Rehab of Understocked ALPR = Alternative Prescrip. CONV = Conversions TRAN = Transition OUT = Not part of THP NHRV = No Harvest Area YARD : Yarding Method TR = Tractor/Skidder BH = Balloon/Helicopter CS = Cabel System OT = Other COMP_STAT : Completion Status A = Approved D = Denied C = Completed P = Pending W = Withdrawn U = Unlogged COMP_DATE : Completion Date e.g., 06-14-88 NTMP_NTO : Notice of Timber NTO# Operation Number CFF_CODE : THP Boundary 1009 = THP Boundary 1010 - Silvi/Yarding Boundary SOURCE_MAP : Data Source USGS 24K DLG USGS 24K DIG THP MAP 95-003 etc. Other DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: The following are subjective comments regarding this data. The layer is as complete as the THP data provided by CDF, and represents a compilation of that data. The problem with aggregating THPs is that re-entry and overlap between and among different years and harvests creates additional complexity. This complexity is exacerbated when quantifying aggregated harvested areas relative to total watershed area, and attempting to estimate overall effects of harvest on habitat due to silvicultural practices and cummulative impact. DATA CONTACT: Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Telephone (707) 725-0232 Contact email DOCUMENTATION DATES: 1/1997, 10/28/1997 January, 2002: Coverages clipped to KRIS Project study area, converted to regions and aggregated into a single coverage. Metadata re-written to apply to current data. Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 725-0232