Restoration_pts.txt Restoration Sites, represented by Points California Habitat Restoration Project Database (CHRPD) **PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS DATA OR REQUESTS FOR FURTHER DATA SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: Robin Carlson Data Analyst/Programmer Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission c/o California Department of Fish and Game 1807 13th Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-324-8298 phone 916-323-1431 fax **PLEASE ALSO NOTE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE TOTAL COST FIELD, WHICH IS DESCRIBED IN THE DATA DICTIONARY SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT. METADATA Data Updated: July 2, 2002 DESCRIPTION: The shapefile was created by heads-up digitizing. Locations were taken from representations of stream habitat restoration projects marked on maps included in the paper documentation of the projects. Approximately 12% of projects sites (455/3850) could not be placed at specific locations. Point locations were originally digitized using two different methods. Instream locations were digitized by referencing them directly to the place along the stream in which the work was done. This was accomplished using NCNCR Hydrography Tools and routed 1:100K California hydrography (for questions about the tools and hydrography, contact Eric Haney, Information Services Branch Manager, Northern California North Coast Region Dept. of Fish and Game, (530) 225-2052, Locations that were not along streams were heads-up digitized. These two different shapefiles were merged into a single point shapefile for the purposes of this data release. See CHRPD documentation for a detailed description of data categories in the database and the data entry process. This shapefile must be used in conjunction with Restoration_plys.shp (polygons) and Restoration_lns.shp (lines) in order to view the complete set of project locations in the CHRPD. This dataset contains all completed projects (for which final reports have been received) funded through the California Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries Restoration Grants Program. VITAL STATISTICS: Datum: NAD 27 Projection: Albers Equal-Area Conic Spheroid: Clarke 1866 Units: meters Central Meridian: -120.0000 Reference Latitude: 0.0000 Standard Parallel 1: 34.0000 Standard Parallel 2: 40.5000 False Easting: 0 False Northing: -4,000,000 Source: CDFG Fisheries Restoration Grants Program Source Media: Generally locations marked on photocopied maps, but sometimes locations described in writing. Software Used: ArcView 3.2a Shapefile Type: Point DATA DICTIONARY: Proj_id: Unique project identification number. Primary key (in conjunction with WLID) for relating locations to their records in the CHRPD. LocationID: Unique ID for different work locations within a single project. Used with ProjID to relate locations to their records in the CHRPD. Proposnum: FRGP proposal number. Status: Whether the project is completed or ongoing. Title: Project title as listed in proposal. Worktype: Type of work done at this location. Purpose: Description of project goals. Location: Name of location where project took place. Ownertype: The institutional status of the land parcel owner where the project site is located. County: Name of county in which project took place. Basin: Major California watersheds, based on the CU_name field in Calwater 2.2. Hu_name: Hydrologic Unit (based on CalWat22.shp) in which the project took place. Ha_name: Hydrologic Area (based on CalWat22.shp) in which the project took place. Contractor: Agency or organization applying for grant. Begindyr: Year the work was initiated. Endyr: Year the work was completed. TotalCost: Total amount spent on the project (in dollars), including all funding sources. ****Please note that for projects with multiple locations, the total cost field contains the amount spent for the ENTIRE project (all locations). This means that the total costs CANNOT be added to determine the total amount spent on all projects, because the sum would be much greater than the actual amount.**** DFGCost: Amount spent on project from FRGP contract. CntrctNum: FRGP contract number for the project. FiscalYr: The fiscal year of the RFP to which the project proposal was submitted. RFPName: Name of the RFP to which the project proposal was submitted. This field helps to distinguish between multiple RFPs in a single fiscal year. DATA CONTACTS: Robin Carlson Data Analyst/Programmer Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission c/o California Department of Fish and Game 1807 13th Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 324-8298 phone (916) 323-1431 fax Stan Allen Program Manager Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 45 S.E. 82nd Drive, Suite 100 Gladstone, OR 97027-2522 (503) 650-5400 phone (503) 650-5426 fax DOCUMENTATION DATES: January, 2002: Reprojected to UTM NAD27 (no shift), and clipped to KRIS Project study area. Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428