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KRIS Mattole River: Picture Page
Area | Northern Mattole |
Topic | Fish: Electrofishing Rattlesnake Cr 1991 |
Click on Fit to see the clearest image of the habitat frequency pie chart from the CDFG 1991 Rattlesnake Creek Habitat Typing Report. This stream had a low frequency of pools by length. Pools are reduced by excessive sediment and lack of large wood inputs to the stream channel.
This pie chart shows embeddedness from the CDFG 1991 Rattlesnake Creek Habitat Typing Report. Embeddedness is a quick measure of sedimentation by fines and is inversely related to spawning gravel quality. Gravel at pool tail crests in Rattlesnake Creek were over 50% embedded at 75% sites measured. There were no pool tails with no optimal spawning gravel (Type 1). The Value 1 means that cobble and gravel at pool crests are less than 25% buried in fine sediment. Value 2 = 25-50% embedded, Value 3 = 50-75% embedded and Value 4 = greater than 75% embedded. Click on Fit to see the clearest image of this pie chart
This pie chart of canopy cover from the CDFG 1991 Rattlesnake Creek Habitat Typing Report shows very little shade on the stream. What little shade there is provided by almost exclusively deciduous trees. Click on Fit to see the clearest image
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