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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Shasta |
Topic | Tour: Restoration Peters Ranch #2 |
This photograph of the Shasta River on the Peters Ranch shows vigorous growth of cattails in the riparian zone where cows have been excluded. Not all sites on the Shasta River are suitable for trees.
This photo of the riparian zone on the Peters Ranch includes an alder tree in the upper part of the photo and willows in the foreground that have resulted from restoration efforts.
The cross-fence at this cattle crossing on the Peters Ranch had to be replaced after the 1997 storm because it ran perpendicular to the river. The gates of the cattle crossing were slightly damaged by high flows. A second stock water access on what was formerly the Parker Ranch on the opposite bank sustained only light damage. Matching the two access points allows trailing cattle periodically from one side of the river to the other.
The riparian exclusion fence at right in the photo survived the high flows of 1997 intact. Note the difference in vegetation between the pasture at left and in the protected riparian area.
Photograph taken inside the riparian area near the same location as Picture#4. The vigorous young alder has recruited as a result of restoration efforts and will be shading the stream, as it grows taller over the next decade.
This photograph of the Peters ranch on the lower Shasta River shows a fence that needed repair in the center of the photo. This fence ran perpendicular to the river, which mada it more susceptible to damage. The area in the photo is very wet because this is where the Little Shasta Irrigation Ditch ends. This makes this location a potential site for tailwater reclamation.
Shasta CRMP coordinator examines riparian restoration project success on upper Peters Ranch along the Shasta River. Note the willows that have been planted as part of riparian restoration efforts at the site.
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