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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Shasta |
Topic | Tour: Restoration Marion Property |
Bill Chesney at left of the California Department of Fish and Game instructs volunteers to the right of the fence on how to plant trees on the Marion Ranch on the Shasta River in 1992. Project sponsors from Trout Unlimited, Siskiyou Flyfishers and the Natural Resources Conservation Service are to the left of the fence with their backs toward the camera. Volunteers planted over 10,000 trees in 1992-1993 on this property.
Jim Cook shows his sons how to plant willow starts in a vertical cutbank on the Marion Ranch in April 1992. The willows can help stabilize failing banks preserving valuable grazing land and preventing sediment from degrading the stream.
Volunteers from the Siskiyou Flyfishers and Mike Sevarese a teacher from Sisson elementary school help with volunteer monitoring on the Marion Ranch.
Light duty electric fences to keep cows out of the riparian zone failed frequently, leading to ongoing grazing losses. Beavers also killed many of the trees planted on this property. Alkaline soil conditions further reduced survival. As a consequence, fewer than 10% of trees planted in 1992 survived.
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