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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Shasta |
Topic | Tour: Restoration Freeman Ranch Riparian Restoration |
This photo of the Freeman Ranch on the Shasta River was taken in June 1997 just after completion of the fence, which keeps cattle in pasture to the right and out of the riparian zone at left.
Close up photo of the Shasta River on the Freeman Ranch with newly constructed fence to keep cattle out of the riparian zone. The fencing protects not only the active river channel but also wetland areas formed by old ox bows (upper left in photo).
Shasta River on the Freeman Ranch looking upstream at a portion of the riparian zone protected from cattle grazing. The stakes seen throughout the photo are where trees were planted and provided with protective cages to prevent beaver damage. The stakes keep the cages upright during high flow events.
Riparian zone of the Shasta River on the Freeman Ranch protected from cattle grazing by riparian fencing. Stakes at the right in the photo are associated with cages over trees, which protect them from beavers. Mt. Shasta is in the background.
The Shasta River on the Freeman Ranch shown here has a lush growth of cattails that stabilize banks and strip fine sediment from the river at high flows. The river on the ranch has a higher gradient than most other reaches in the Shasta Valley. Riffle area in photo is an old rock dam used to raise water level sufficiently to allow it to be diverted down a ditch to an irrigation pump.
Peter Townley clears debris from cage protecting alder start from beaver damage on the Freeman Ranch along the Shasta River in spring 1997. The cages catch debris during high flows but trees are rarely by floods.
Jim Whelan of the California Department of Fish and Game trims grass around newly planted trees on the Freeman Ranch along the Shasta River in summer 1997.
Cross fencing on the Freeman Ranch associated with riparian restoration allow varying patterns of grazing rotation The cross fence in the background leads to a crossing point for stock on the Shasta River.
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