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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Shasta |
Topic | Tour: 1997 Post-Flood Restoration Project Damage Assessment |
This photograph of the Shasta River on the Peters property after the high water of January 1997 shows that a willow matting project at right held up during the flood. Note that the fence at right is still standing but is completely covered with debris. Photo by Pat Higgins.
This photograph shows a fence and cattle water access on the Meamber property just downstream of the Montague/Grenada Road just after the 1/1/97 storm. Note that both the fence and access survived the flood despite heavy debris loading. Photo by Pat Higgins.
Willow matting project and fence at Easton Ranch showing no effects of January 1997 flood. Note the height of willow sprigs in the foreground.
This photograph of the Shasta River at the Ekstrom property just after the January 1997 storm shows that the fence in the foreground survived the high flows intact. The wire cages that protect riparian tree plantings are also in the photo nearer to the stream and survived intact but also caught debris.
Dave Webb, Shasta CRMP coordinator, surveys cattle access points installed at the Peters and Parker ranches which sustained minor damage during high water in January 1997. Necessary repairs to these structures were minor. If the gates had been secured in a closed position parallel to the river's flow, even the minor damage could have been avoided. Photo taken by Pat Higgins as part of Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath River Basin Fishery Restoration Program (see Kier Assoc, 1999 in the KRIS Bibliography).
Stock water access on the Peters Ranch in the lower Shasta Valley experienced minor damage during the January 1997 storm event. No structural repairs were required only debris removal. Photo taken by Pat Higgins as part of Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath River Basin Fishery Restoration Program (see Kier Assoc, 1999 in the KRIS Bibliography).
Cross fences to this stock water access at the Peters Ranch were replaced prior to this photo being taken in June 1997. Fences parallel to the river generally sustained little damage while cross fences perpendicular to the river were sometimes knocked down. Photo taken by Pat Higgins as part of Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath River Basin Fishery Restoration Program (see Kier Assoc, 1999 in the KRIS Bibliography).
This cattle exclusion fence, which runs parallel to the Shasta River on the Peters Ranch, sustained no damage during the January 1997 storm. Photo taken by Pat Higgins as part of Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath River Basin Fishery Restoration Program (see Kier Assoc, 1999 in the KRIS Bibliography).
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