the shapefile temps_knf_mwats.shp is the same as temps_knf_mwats_all.shp described below, except it has been filtered for only sites with full attributes (Middle Klamath and Scott sub-basins). ----------------------- INSTITUTE FOR FISHERIES RESOURCES GIS TECHNICAL WORK GROUP -- GIS METADATA LIBRARY: Klamath COVERAGE NAME: temps_knf_mwats_all.shp METADATA FILE: temps_knf_mwats_all.shp.txt METADATA FILE DATE: November 25, 2003 METADATA PREPARER: Eli Asarian Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Ste. N Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-9428 COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: Contains locations of Karuk Tribe and Klamath National Forest water temperature monitoring stations in the Klamath basin through the year 2002. This shapefile is a companion MS Access database of temperature data maintained at the Klamath National Forest Supervisors Office. Attribute data is complete only for stations in the Middle Klamath and Shasta basins. Originator: Mark Reichert Klamath National Forest Supervisors Office 1312 Fairlane Road Yreka, CA 96097 (530) 842-6131 Other Contact: Toz Soto, Karuk Tribe Fisheries Biologist Phone: 627-3446 ex. 28 Address: PO Box 282 Orleans, CA 95556 Other Contact: Jim Villeponteaux, Salmon Mountain Forestry Phone: 530-462-4655 Address: HC4 Box 325 Sawyers Bar, CA 96027 DATA DICTIONARY: Structure for attribute table: Column Column Name ------- ---------- 1 TEMPER_PTS 2 LOC_ID 3 SHORT_NAME 4 LOCATION 5 SUB_BASIN 6 MWAT_16PT8 7 MWAT_17 8 MWAT_19 9 MWAT_AVG_C 10 MWAT_MAX_C 11 YRS_RECORD 12 MWAT_97_C 13 MWAT_98_C 14 MWAT_99_C 15 MWAT_00_C 16 MWAT_01_C 17 MWAT_02_C 18 MD_REGION 19 MD_REG_CD 20 HOTLINK 21 HASHOTLINK TEMPER_PTS: An automatically-derived ID number LOC_ID: An unique ID number for each site from a MS Access temperature database maintained by Mark Reichert at the Klamath National Forest Supervisors Office. This is also the ID number used in KRIS chart and source tables. SHORT_NAME: A short name used for labelling. ORIG_ID: This field contains the location code used in the KRIS chart and source tables that contain the temperature data. LOCATION: A written description (including stream name) of where the monitoring station is located. SUBBASIN: The name of the KRIS Subbasin where the monitoring station is located. MWAT16PT8: Of the years in which data was collected, how often did MWAT exceed 16.8 °C? The significance of 16.8 °C is described in the KRIS Temperature background page at MWAT17: Of the years in which data was collected, how often did MWAT exceed 17.0 °C? The significance of 17.0 °C is described in the KRIS Temperature background page at MWAT19: Of the years in which data was collected, how often did MWAT exceed 19.0 °C? The significance of 19.0 °C is described in the KRIS Temperature background page at MWAT_AVG_C: The average MWAT at a site. Calculated as the sum of all MWAT_YY_C fields divided YRS_RECORD. (for Water Temp sites only). MWAT_MAX_C: The maximum MWAT at a site. The highest MWAT in any year at a site (for Water Temp sites only). YRS_RECORD: The number of MWATs at a site, which is the number of years in which data was collected for the majority of the summer months (for Water Temp sites only). MWAT_YY_C (ie. MWAT_01_C): The maximum annual floating weekly average water temperature (MWAT) in °C for each year in which data was collected during at least the majority of the summer months. MWAT values were derived from source tables of raw temperature data using KRIS, MS Access, and MS Excel. A detailed description of methods is contained in the file "Directions for building MWAT source table.txt" in the "KRIS_Tools" folder at the IFR - KRIS office in Arcata. MD_REGION: The name of the Karuk Region of the middle Klamath sub-basin where the monitoring station is located. Derived from shapefile regions.shp. There are eight regions in the middle Klamath sub-basin. MD_REG_CD: Middle Klamath Region code. Two or three letter abbreviation for MD_REGION HOTLINK: This field is for hotlinking between maps and KRIS topics. It is the name of a KRIS topic. HASHOTLINK: Denotes whether or not a HOTLINK exists. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: Geographic accuracy is unknown. Special attention should be paid to location of temperature sites near the confluence of two creeks: the attribute table (stream_nam field) should be used to verify which creek the site is on. Temperature data (MWATs) should be of high quality, as they were collected using automatic temperature probes.