The shapefile tcsf_str_perennial.shp is a subset of the shapefile tcsf_str.shp described below. It was created by KRIS staff and contains only perennial streams (points with a value of P in the FLOWREG field). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metadata Record Dublin Core Standard Title: Watershed Assessment 1:24,000 Hydrography Catalog Name: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection OID: 667 CITATION INFORMATION Identifier: wahydro Title: Watershed Assessment 1:24,000 Hydrography Originator: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection & USFS Publication Date: 2001 Information Resource Type Format: Computer file Content: Geographic information system Scale: 1:24,000 Other Citation Details: Data is provided in Albers Equal Area, NAD27, or in UTM, NAD27. IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Abstract: Developed by Watershed Assessment Program, in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Lab. Includes separate linear and polygon layers. The procedures were based on BLM's Oregon/ Washington Hydrography Handbook using the LLID routing approach. The base linework is from 1:24,000 Forest Service Cartographic Feature Files (CFFs) and 1:24,000 USGS DLG-3 files. The original files were edited and new linework added. This dataset has been modified for hydrologic modeling in a stream network. Source files by 7.5' quadrangle were edge matched and edited for connectivity. The stream network has been centerlined through waterbodies using artificial connectors. All arcs have been connected and oriented to flow downstream, and are routed. Lat/long identifiers (LLID) are used to uniquely identify the stream routes, and are available in the route attribute table. Available for download by river basin, or CD-ROM including roads and DEMs. Browse Graphic URL: Purpose: Provides seamless enhanced hydrography data by river basin, modified for hydrologic modeling. Supplemental Info: BLM's Oregon/Washington Hydrography Handbook can be viewed at Documentation for DLG hydrography is contained in "Digital Line Graphs From 1:24,000-Scale Maps. Data Users Guide 2, 1985", from the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va. Time Period Start: 1/1/1998 Time Period End: 12/31/1998 Currentness: Ground Condition Progress: Complete Update Frequency: Annually Place: North Coast Geographic Region West: -124 Geographic Region East: -121 Geographic Region North: 42 Geographic Region South: 36 Themes: Hydrography, Forests and forestry, Aquatic habitats, Fisheries, Rivers, Watersheds, Water supply Access Limitations: No Restrictions Use Limitations: FRAP disclaimer Read disclaimer within data dictionary supplied when data are downloaded from FRAP site Contact Information Data Contact: Watershed Assessment Data Administrator Organization: CDF-FRAP Phone: 916-227-2668 Fax: 916-227-2672 Email: Url: Address: 1920 20th Street 1920 20th Street City: Sacramento State: California Postal Code: 95814 Country: USA DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION Online Linkage: Size (MB): About 35MB/river basin Distribution Format: ARC/INFO Export Ordering Instructions: Obtain on-line or request through distribution contact. CD sets containing Watershed Assessment 1:24,000 rooads, hydrography, and 10m DEMs are available as well. Contact Information Distribution Contact: Watershed Assessment Data Administrator Organization: CDF-FRAP Phone: 916-227-2668 Fax: 916-227-2672 Email: Url: Address: 1920 20th Street 1920 20th Street City: Sacramento State: California Postal Code: 95814 Country: USA METADATA INFORMATION Date: 8/16/2001 Contact Information Metadata Contact: Watershed Assessment Data Administrator Organization: CDF-FRAP Phone: 916-227-2668 Fax: 916-227-2672 Email: Url: Address: 1920 20th Street 1920 20th Street City: Sacramento State: California Postal Code: 95814 Country: USA DATA DICTIONARY This data dictionary includes separate sections for LINE features, and for POLYGON features, unique layers that are zipped together as a single file for downloading. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: A quad by quad assesment of USGS topographic maps has been completed in order to verify that stream names match USGS stream names. We also checked to make sure we captured all the named streams off of the maps. All named routes with a frequency greater than 1 have been verified against the USGS topographic maps. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FEATURE TYPE: line DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---------------------- FNODE# 4 6 B - ID# of the beginning node (From NODE) of the arc TNODE# 4 6 B - ID# of the end node (To NODE) of the arc LPOLY# 4 5 B - ID# of polygon left of this arc (facing direction of the TNODE) RPOLY# 4 5 B - ID# of polygon right of this arc (facing direction of the TNODE) LENGTH 8 18 F 5 Length of arc (meters) NCWAP_HYD# 4 5 B - ArcInfo-assigned unique arc ID# NCWAP_HYD-ID 4 5 B - User-assigned arc ID# STREAMNAME 66 66 C - Official name of the stream (from USGS quad map or Geographic Names Information System STREAMLINK 15 15 C - Unique link item for each arc, for relating to other databases LPOLYLINK 15 15 C - Unique link item for relating an arc to a polygon in the Lakes layer SPATIALSOURCE 3 3 C - Original data source of the arc FVDATE 8 8 D - Field verification date, used to track ground-truthing EPAREACHNO 17 17 C - EPA Reach#, used to link to other agency databases STREAMORDER 2 2 I - Stream order, by Stahler method WTRBODYTYPE 2 2 C - Water body type HYDFLOW 2 2 C - Stream flow classification for SPACE and TIME PLANFLOW 1 1 C - Plan Flow for habitat identification SPECIES_CODE 14 14 C - Individual fish species codes FISHBEARING 3 3 C - Actual or modeled fish presence SPATIALEDIT 3 3 C - Spatial edit technique LSTREAMNAME 30 30 C - Local stream name *** The following fields are currently not populated, but are included to match the Oregon/Washington BLM standard *** FPADIST 4 4 I - Forest Practices Act buffer distance (meters) on private lands FEDDIST 4 4 I - Federal Buffer Distance (meters) for actual Riparian Reserve. ODFSTREAMCLASS 2 2 C - For multi-ownership watershed models identified by Forest Practices Act FSSTREAMCLASS 1 1 I - USFS Stream Class for multi- ownership watersheds CONFINEMENT 2 2 C - Ratio of channel valley width to actual channel width GRADIENT 3 3 I - Change in elevation per unit of horizontal distance of channel. ROSGEN 3 3 C - Rosgen's stream classification information PFCCODE 4 4 C - BLM Functioning Condition Classification LABEL 50 50 C - Includes source of HYDFLOW and PLANFLOW *** The following fields are included in the .aat in order to facilitate relating the .aat to the .rat file using the LLID field *** NAME 60 60 C - Official stream name LLID 13 13 C - Lat/long idfentifier for the route this arc is a part of KILO_LENGTH 10 10 N 3 Length in kilometers of the route this arc is a part of The following code descriptions for database fields are abbreviated from "Oregon/Washington BLM Hydrography Handbook", and are included here to provide a minimum understanding of field contents. Users are encouraged to refer to this document to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the data FIELD NAME: SPATIALSOURCE SPATIALSOURCE DESCRIPTION ------------- ------------------------------- WOD WODDB photogrammetric HYX WODDB hand drawn-non cartographic CRW crenulation method 1-derived from WODDB contours CRU crenulation method 2-derived from USGS 1:24,000 contours DFT digitized from 1:24,000 topographic map FPM digitized from 1:12,000 Forest Plan Map DEM DEM method IMG screen digitized from imagery GPS resource grade GPS (differentially corrected) CFF Cartographic Feature Files (USFS) DLG USGS Digital Line Graph data DRG Digital Raster GRaphics files DOQ digital ortho photos SRV from survey data CTR Artificial Primary Paths (primary channel centerlines) CSC Artificial Secondary Paths (secondary channels and connector arcs) EDG arcs generated as part of edgematch between DLG and WODDB data DIS arcs generated to connect a discontinuous channel NST non stream features OTR other PHO lines derived from hardcopy aerial photo interp FIELD NAME: WTRBODYTYPE WTRBODYTYPE DESCRIPTION ----------- ------------------------ ST Streams - all natural channels of flowing water other than those designated on USGS quads as being a "River" RI Rivers - all natural channels of flowing water that have been named as "River" on the USGS quadrangle DC Ditches, canals, flumes, aqueducts PP Pipelines and covered water conveyance structures SC Side channel ES Bays, estuaries, and ocean LA Lakes and ponds (polygon data) - a naturally occurring standing body of fresh or saline water surrounded by land WT Wetlands (polygon data) IM Impoundment (polygon data) - a water body created by a man-made structure, such as a dam, built to collect or store water IW Impounded wetland - impoundments specifically designated for wetlands development UN Unclassified water body FIELD NAME: HYDFLOW The first character classifies flow at the ground surface (space). The second classifies flow in terms of seasonal behavior (duration). HYDFLOW DESCRIPTION ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Cx Continuous - a channel that does not have interruptions in space Ix Interrupted - a channel that contains; A. perennial flow with intervening intermittent or ephemeral segments B. intermittent flow with intervening ephemeral segments Gx Groundwater - reaches that represent subsurface flow xP Perennial - streams that essentially flow year round xS Intermittent or seasonal - flows certain times of year when it receives water from springs, snow melt, etc. xE Ephemeral - flows only in direct response to storm precipitation and whose channel is at all times above the water table xU Unclassified For example, CP describes a Continuous channel with Perennial flow. In addition, the following codes are intended for use with ditches, canals, and pipelines. HYDFLOW DESCRIPTION ------- ------------------------------------------------------- DL "LOSS" ditches and canals - transport water from a contributing fifth field watershed to a receiving watershed DG "GAIN" ditches and canals - receive water from an adjacent fifth field watershed DI "INTERNAL" ditches and canals - transport water within a fifth field watershed but are not connected to the adjacent fifth field watershed PL "LOSS" pipelines - transport water from a contributing fifth field watershed to a receiving watershed PG "GAIN" pipelines - receive water from an adjacent fifth field watershed PI "INTERNAL" pipelines - transport water within a fifth field watershed but are not connected to the adjacent fifth field watershed FIELD NAME: PLANFLOW PLANFLOW DESCRIPTION -------- ----------------------------------------------- P Perennial flowing streams I Intermittent flowing streams Z ICBEMP intermittent flowing streams X Streams not currently identified for special management under the existing planning instructions FIELD NAME: SPECIES_CODE This field includes a 12 character concatenation of the following codes. The code XX is used to as a place holder if needed. SPECIES_CODE DESCRIPTION ------------ -------------------------------------- Characters 1-2 AN anadromous XX not anadramous Characters 3-4 RE resident XX not resident Characters 5-8 (Spring and/or Fall runs are mutually exclusive with Winter and/or Summer runs). FA fall run SP spring run WI winter run SU summer run XX place holder Characters 9-10 (SY or SN) SY spawning habitat, yes SN spawning habitat, no Characters 11-12 (VY or VN) VY species presence verified, yes VN species presece verified, no For example, SPECIES_CODE = ANXXFAXXSNVN AN anadromous XX not resident FA Fall run XX not Spring run SN spawning no VN presence verified no FIELD NAME: FISHBEARING FISHBEARING DESCRIPTION ----------- ------------------------------ PV presence - verified PNV presence - not verified AV absence - verified ANV absence - not verified FIELD NAME: SPATIALEDIT SPATIALEDIT DESCRIPTION ----------- ------------------------------- TBD tablet digitizing SCN scanned HUD heads-up digitizing CRI coordinate input FIELD NAME: ODFSTREAMCLASS The first character classifies streams as fish bearing, domestic use, or other. The second character classifies size of the watershed. ODFSTREAMCLASS DESCRIPTION -------------- ---------------------------- Fx fish bearing Dx domestic use (not fish bearing) Nx other xL large watersheds xM medium watersheds xS small watersheds For example, code FL refers to fish bearing, large watersheds. FIELD NAME: FSSTREAMCLASS FSSTREAMCLASS DESCRIPTION ------------- ---------------------------- 1 municipal/domestic water supply, large volume, large numbers of fish 2 Mod-signifiant numbers of fish, significant volume to affect Class I 3 Perennial streams not meeting criteria for class I&II 4 Intermittent or ephemeral flow not meeting the above FIELD NAME: PFCODE PFCODE DESCRIPTION ------ ------------------------------ PFC proper functioning condition FARU functional-at-risk upward trend FARD functional-at-risk downward trend FARN functional-at-risk trnd not apparent NF nonfunctional U unknown FIELD NAME: LABEL This field is a concatenation of 3 data components, the first 2 separated by a "pipe" character (|) and the last 2 separated by a colon character (:). The first data component is a feature type derived from the DLG or CFF data (refer to the BLM handbook for more explanation). The 2nd and 3rd data components use the same codes to define the source of HYDFLOW and PLANFLOW enties, respectively. The codes and descriptions are provided below. FS attributed from Forest Service data MP mass populated with a specific ode such as P AP estimated from aerial photos GS estimated from USGS topo maps AG estimated using a combination of aerial photos and topo maps SS determined from a standard field stream survey NS determined using field observations outside a standard field stream survey SO estimated based on a stream order model CS estimated based on catchment size FI estimated based on fish species present DATAFILE NAME: wahydro.ratstreams (route attribute table for seamless North Coast data) DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---------------------- STREAMS# 4 5 B - ArcInfo assigned unique ID# STREAMS-ID 4 5 B - User-assigned ID# KILO_LENGTH 10 10 N 3 Calculated length in kilometers NAME 60 60 C - Official name of the stream LLID 13 13 C - Lat/long identifier ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FEATURE TYPE: polygon DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- -------------------------- AREA 8 18 F 5 Arcinfo calculated area PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 Arcinfo calculated perimeter NCWAP_WBD# 4 5 B - Arcinfo assigned unique polygon # NCWAP_WBD-ID 4 5 B - User assigned ID# LAKENAME 66 66 C - approved names by state and Federal Geographic Names Board. LPOLYLINK 15 15 C - unique value for linking to related tables, derived from the lon/lat of the polygon label point SPATIALSOURCE 3 3 C - original source of the waterbody WTRBODYTYPE 2 2 C - water body type FISHBEARING 3 3 C - fish presence (not populated) DURATION 2 2 C - seasonal extent water is present SPATIALEDIT 3 3 C - GIS technique used to input feature LLAKENAME 30 30 C - local lake name (not populated) STNDWTRTYPE 2 2 I - geomorphic origin of the water source (not populated) PFCCODE 4 4 C - BLM Functioning Condition Class (not populated) LABEL 50 50 C - not populated FIELD NAME: SPATIALSOURCE This field captures information related to the original source from which the spatial data was derived. Source data can be inferred from the methods codes included in this field. This information aids quality control and tracking of updates. SPATIALSOURCE DESCRIPTION ------------- ------------------------------- WOD WODDB photogrammetric HYX WODDB hand-drawn--non-cartographic CRW crenulation method 1--derived from WODDB contours CRU crenulation method 2--derived from USGS 1:24,000 contours DFT digitized from 1:24,000 topographic map FPM digitized from 1:12,000 Forest Plan map DEM DEM method IMG screen digitized from imagery GPS resource grade GPS (differentially corrected) CFF Cartographic Feature Files (USFS) DLG USGS Digital Line Graph data DRG Digital Raster Graphics files DOQ Digital Ortho Photos SRV from survey data NST non lake features (HYDZ codes in WODDB SUBJ_HYD field) OTR other PHO lines which are derived from hard copy aerial photo interpretation. FIELD NAME: WTRBODYTYPE WTRBODYTYPE DESCRIPTION ----------- ------------------------------- LA lakes and ponds WT wetlands IM impoundment IW impounded wetland ES bays, estuaries and ocean UN unclassified water body The following codes are included for attributing linear features that were captured as double lines: ST streams RI rivers DC ditches and canals SC side channel FIELD NAME: DURATION DURATION DESCRIPTION -------- ------------------------------- LP perennial LS intermittent or seasonal FIELD NAME: SPATIALEDIT SPATIALEDIT DESCRIPTION ----------- ------------------------- TBD tablet digitizing SCN scanned HUD heads-up digitizing CRI coordinate input Two Projections Available: Source: COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection UTM Zone 10 Units METERS Spheroid CLARKE1866 Datum NAD27 Parameters: Alternate Projection: COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection ALBERS Units METERS Spheroid CLARKE1866 Parameters: 1st standard parallel 34 0 0.000 2nd standard parallel 40 30 0.000 central meridian -120 0 0.00 latitude of projection's origin 0 0 0.000 false easting (meters) 0.00000 false northing (meters) -4000000.0000 DISCLAIMER The State of California and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. The user will not seek to hold the State or the Department liable under any circumstances for any damages with respect to any claim by the user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps. The user will cite the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but will clearly denote cases where the original data have been updated, modified, or in any way altered from the original condition. There are no restrictions on distribution of the data by users. However, users are encouraged to refer others to the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to acquire the data, in case updated data become available.