Theme: Lamprey Sampling Sites Study to characterize the distribution of Pacific Lamprey ammocoetes in the mainstem Klamath, using basic habitat data and associated density information. Sites selected using USF&WS mesohabitat typing data, and classified by suitability of the substrate. 5 Random Samples were drawn at each of the two suitable habitats and all lamprey collected were enumerated. Data Collected by the Karuk tribe tribe fisheries crew. Contact: Toz Soto, Karuk Fisheries Biologist Phone: 530-627-3446 ex. 46 Address: PO Box 282 Orleans, CA 95556 GIS Contact: Jim Villeponteaux, Salmon Mountain Forestry Phone: 530-462-4655 Address: HC4 Box 325 Sawyers Bar, CA 96027