the shapefile kb_fish_ge.shp is the same as kb_fish.shp described below, except it has been clipped to the Grider Elk region of the Middle Klamath sub-basin. ---------------------------------- Klamath National Forest Geographic Information System Theme Documentation Theme: Fish Species Range Revision Date: September 2003 by Salmon Mountain Forestry for the Karuk Tribe Disclaimer: *********************************************************************- **** The Klamath National Forest cannot assure the reliability or suitability of this information for a particular purpose. Original data was compiled from various sources. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. ***********************************************- ************************* Project Name: KNF Base Layer IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Coverage Extent: Forest-wide Source: 1:126720 manuscripts provided by forest/district fisheries biologists, ocular transfer to 1:24000 stream data Last Update: 1994 Primary Feature Type:Line Other Feature Types: Distribution Limitations: None Data Resolution: 1:24000 Projection: UTM Zone 10 Comments: SOURCE INFORMATION Source System: Arc/Info Source Scale: 1:24000 Source Projection: UTM Zone 10 Capture Method: on-screen attributing CUSTODIAN INFORMATION Contact Organization:KNF Supervisor's Office Resource Contact: Alan Olson, Fisheries Biologist Phone:530-841-4417 Email: Address: 1312 Fairlane Road Yreka, CA 96097 GIS Contact: Dianne Torpin, KNF Supervisor's Office, GIS Staff Phone:530-842-6131 Email: Address: 1312 Fairlane Road Yreka, CA 96097 or GIS Contact: Jim Villeponteaux, Salmon Mountain Forestry Phone: 530-462-4655 Address: HC4 Box 325 Sawyers Bar, CA 96027 PROCESSING INFORMATION Theme Generation: Forest & Ranger District and Karuk Tribe fisheries biologists marked up 1:126720 maps to indicate the known, suspected & historic range of both native & introduced fish species. This information was transferred on-screen to 1:24000 scale streams derived from Cartographic Feature Files (CFF). In the case of double-line streams, the right bank (looking downstream) was attributed and the left bank was removed. In the case of lakes & other large waterbodies, a new line was digitized down the approximate center of the waterbody and attributed. For stream segments occurring on the quads between the KNF westside & eastside for which 1:24000 data does not exist, stream segments were brought in from 1:100000 data. Lineage: For more detailed information, see the Edit Log for this theme. ATTRIBUTE INFORMATION =====================================================================- == System Software: Arc/Info Table Name:.AAT ============================================ Item Name: str-code Item Type: char Item Length: 1 Item Value Description I Intermittent stream P Perennial stream (NOTE: attributing may be incomplete for this item, as it is not essential to the theme) Item Name: fish_range Item Type: char Item Length: 1 Item Value Description A Anadromous fish species present R Resident fish species present B Anadromous & resident fish species present C Catadromous fish species present N Non-habitat Item Name: pacific_lamprey Item Type: integer Item Length: 5 river_lamprey pac_brk_lamprey .......(etc.)......... 108 unique species, not all of which are present on the forest. Item Value Description The attribute for species presence is composed of two parts: the first number indicates historical occurrence status and the second number indicates verification status. Codes for historical occurrence are: 0 Non-native: fish species not currently present, nor documented to have been native to the location. 2 Extirpated: fish species not currently present, yet historic surveys, records, and/or literature provide documentation of historic presence as a native species to the location. 3 Native: fish species native to location 4 Introduced: fish species literature and historical records provide documentation that species was not native to the location. Codes for species verification are: 1 Present: species are present as documented by recent (1985 and newer) snorkel surveys, visual surveys, electrofishing and other collection methods. 2 Suspected: presence of species is suspected but recent (1985 and newer) surveys have not been conducted to verify presence, nor has species been otherwise documented within a recent timeframe. 3 Unknown: presence of species is not suspected, surveys have not been conducted, or the species has not otherwise been documented. 4 Potential: species not currently found, yet recent (1985 and newer) surveys indicate that suitable habitat is present. Historical records, written and oral, may/may not indicate species presence in the past. 5 None: no documented species presence or suitable habitat. 6 Present in very low numbers: species are present as documented by recent (1985 and newer) snorkel surveys, visual surveys, electrofishing and other collection methods. Example of complete code: chinook fall = 31: Fall Chinook is native (3) and present (1) chinook_spring = 24: Spring Chinook is extirpated (2) but potential (suitable habitat is present).