STREAM ORDER and GRADIENT ================================== COVERAGE NAME: STMGRAD - Stream gradient for North Coastal California FEATURE TYPE: LINE SOURCE: Appended 1:24,000 Scale USGS DLG Data Feb, 2000. MINIMUM MAPPING UNIT: 1:24,000 AREAL EXTENT: Hydrologic Units as defined by Calwater v2.2n DATE OF LAST UPDATE: 11/6/2000 COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: Large Water bodies and double-line streams were centerlined using the least cost path function in Arc/Info GRID to support hydrologic modelling functions. All Stream segments have been connected and oriented to flow downstream. Stream names were conflated from EPA Reach File 3 1:100k data. Stream gradient was calculated using 10 meter USGS DEMs. To produce stream gradient, the program uses Dynamic Segmentation to create an event table, that is used to sample stream segments at fixed interval STEPS: 1. Creates a route for each stream segment (ARCROUTE) 2. Creates an event table (ADDROUTEMEASURE) 3. Modifies table to sample at a fixed interval 4. Splits the route based on the new sample points (CALIBRATEROUTES) 5. Create new stream coverage (SECTIONARC) ST_DWL_SLOPE: Stream gradient procedure was modified to use gridspot70.aml 07/21/99 by David W. Lamphear, Forest Science Project, instead of grid procession. Calculates stream slope base on node points in the stream layer This program estimates slope based on the elevation values at FROM NODE and TO NODE locations. The following items are added to each arc: FELEV, TELEV. SLP Program requires: Stream coverage and DEM COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection Albers Units METERS Spheroid CLARKE 1866 Datum NAD27 Zone 10 central meridian -120 0 0.00 latitude of origin 0 0 0.000 longitute of origin 0 0 0.000 false easting (meters) 0.00000 false northing (meters) 0.00000 INFO ITEMS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI DESCRIPTION ITEM NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ------------------------------ FNODE# 4 6 B - Arc/Info Standard Items TNODE# 4 6 B - Arc/Info Standard Items LPOLY# 4 5 B - Arc/Info Standard Items RPOLY# 4 5 B - Arc/Info Standard Items LENGTH 8 18 F 5 Arc/Info Standard Items STMS24GRAD# 4 5 B - Arc/Info Standard Items STMS24GRAD-ID 4 5 B - Arc/Info Standard Items STREAMNAME 66 66 C - Stream Name STREAMLINK 15 15 C - LPOLYLINK 15 15 C - SPATIALSOURCE 3 3 C - FVDATE 8 8 D - EPAREACHNO 17 17 C - EPA Reach Value STREAMORDER 2 2 I - Stream Order (Strahler Method) WTRBODYTYPE 2 2 C - HYDFLOW 2 2 C - PLANFLOW 1 1 C - SPECIES_CODE 14 14 C - FISHBEARING 3 3 C - Stream Class SPATIALEDIT 3 3 C - LSTREAMNAME 30 30 C - FPADIST 4 4 I - FEDDIST 4 4 I - ODFSTREAMCLASS 2 2 C - FSSTREAMCLASS 1 1 I - CONFINEMENT 2 2 C - GRADIENT 3 3 I - Stream Gradient ROSGEN 3 3 C - Rosgen Channel Type PFCCODE 4 4 C - LABEL 50 50 C - NAME 60 60 C - LLID 13 13 C - Longitude-Latitude Identifier KILO_LENGTH 10 10 N 3 Length in Kilometers DATA_SOURCE: DLG -Where source is DLG, 1:24k DLG quads were appended together JDSF-Where source is JDSF, the Jackson Demonstration State Forest GIS data set was used. This data is also based on 1:24k USGS DLG data. CONTACT : Eric Spry, GIS Specialist CDF Fire and Resource Assessment Program 1920 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 DOCUMENTATION DATES: February 2002: Reprojected to UTM NAD27 (no shift), and clipped to KRIS Project study area. Contact Name: GIS Analyst Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428