DATE: 10/25/99 DATA LIBRARY: H:\cum_effect\data\roadwork\ COVERAGE NAME: sonc24rdstrs2 SOURCE: Appended 1:24,000 Scale USGS DLG Data Feb, 2000. METADATA FILE: sonc24rdstrs2.txt METADATA PREPARER: Chris Trudel, GIS Analyst LEGACY-TLC POB 59 Arcata, CA. 95518 (707)826-9408 fax: (707)826-0966 COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: This coverage depicts 24k roads for the Southern Oregon / Northern California Bioregional Domain (SONCBIO). VITAL STATISTICS: Projection: UTM Zone: 10 Units: meters Datum: NAD27 Spheroid: Clarke 1866 1st Std. Parallel: 2nd Std. Parallel: Longitude of Origin: Latitude of Origin: False Easting (X shift): False Northing (Y shift): SOURCE(s): 1) USGS large scale (1:24,000) dlg's 2) Shasta-Trinity N.F., Six Rivers N.F., Mendocino N.F., Klamath N.F., Rogue River N.F., Siskiyou N.F., Winema N.F. and Umpqua N.F. 3) Digitized 1:24k USGS roads data obtained from Jim Stritholt (Earth Design Consultants, Corvalis Oregon); Rogue River Valley Oregon and some of the CA redwood region where USGS data was unavailable. 4) CDF 1:24,000 roads as of October 1999. SOURCE MEDIA: SOURCE PROJECTION: UTM 10 SOURCE UNITS: meters SOURCE SCALE: 24,000 CAPTURE METHOD: CONVERSION SOFTWARE: ( ) PC ARC/INFO; (x) WORKSTATION ARC/INFO ( ) OTHER (SPECIFY): VERSION: 7.2.1 DATA STRUCTURE: vector ARC/INFO COVERAGE TYPE: line ARC/INFO PRECISION: double ARC/INFO TOLERANCES: default NUMBER OF FEATURES: 290,240 arcs, 256,275 nodes Layer Size: ~186 MB Data Updated: Updated by: Notes/Comments: DATA DICTIONARY: NOTE: Items common to all ARC/INFO coverages: FNODE#, TNODE#, LPOLY#, RPOLY#, LENGTH, COVER#, and COVER-ID are not described here. ARC ATTRIBUTE TABLE (.AAT) ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC DESCRIPTION ROAD_NUM 30 30 C - Mendocino N.F. code ROAD_CLASS 6 6 C - Winema N.F. code TRANS 1 1 C - USFS Remote Sensing Lab code CFFCODE 3 3 I - USFS Remote Sensing Lab code ENTITY_LABEL 7 7 I - USGS DLG code DLGCODE 15 15 C - Description of USGS DLG code DLGCLASS 2 2 I - Classified USGS DLG code LEGTYPE 15 15 C - Legacy's label for road type LEGCLASS 2 2 I - Legacy's class for road type CBILABEL 40 40 C - J. Stritholts road labels ROUTE_NO 30 30 C - Rogue River N.F. code SURFACE 3 3 C - Rogue River N.F. code SEGMENT_ID 12 12 C - Umpqua N.F. code ROADALL 12 12 C - Siskiyou N.F.; item CFF_CODE 4 5 B - CDF; Road Classification SOURCE_MAP 20 20 C - CDF; Source Map ROAD_NAME 20 20 C - CDF; Road Name RD_YR 4 4 I - CDF; Year road built as part of THP only PERM_CLASS 2 2 C - CDF; Abandoned roads CODESOURCE 15 15 C - CDF; Source of coding LEGCLASS LEGTYPE 0 1 Primary 2 Secondary 3 Improved 4 Unimproved 5 Trail NOTES: Roads data from the above sources were integrated into one line coverage. The items in this coverage represent some of the original populated items from the source coverages, except dlgcode, dlgclass, legtype, and legclass. The items dlgcode and dlgclass were derived from entity_label and represent USGS large scale dlg attribute codes. The items legtype and legclass were derived by crosswalking the original attribute codes from each source coverage into 5 classes of roads. The Northeast section of the coverage contains no attributes because the source data for that area had no information on road type. The road layer was notably sparce in the Gualala (NorthWestern-most) quad. Therefore, some of the roads shown in the 1:100k were copied over to the 1:24k layer for this quad. This procedure was not conducted for any of the other quads. PROCESSING STEPS: DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: Errors of omission and commission may exist. DOCUMENTATION DATES: 6/29/98: Coverage clipped to fit project study area Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources 791 Eighth Stree Ste. N Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-9428