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KRIS Battle Creek: Picture Page
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This diagram shows the hydropower projects within the Battle Creek basin. The Coleman Powerhouse is on lower Battle Creek and receives water from the Coleman Canal. The latter is fed by the Coleman Diversion Dam on the South Fork Battle Creek, the Wildcat Canal from the North Fork and the Asbury Pump on Baldwin Creek. Click on Info Links for more information about Battle Creek hydropower projects. Graphic provided by the California Department of Fish and Game.
The Coleman Powerhouse is located on lower Battle Creek, just upstream of Coleman National Fish Hatchery. The outflow of Coleman Powerhouse poses a problem with false attraction and salmon may stray into the cool tailwaters. A temporary barrier to the powerhouse outfall was erected in 1998 through cooperative efforts and a permanent barrier is called for under the Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Plan (Kier Associates 1998) Photo provided by Harry Rectenwald of CDFG.
This aerial photograph shows the convergence of Baldwin Creek and main Battle Creek in the foreground. The Coleman diversion runs across the entire photo. The feeder from Baldwin Creek and the Asbury pump can be seen joining the Coleman Canal near the center of the picture. Some additional flows may be allowed in Baldwin Creek to improve steelhead habitat under the restoration plan. Photo courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game.
Penstocks for the Coleman Powerhouse below the Coleman Forebay. Photo courtesy of Thomas R. Payne and Associates.
Canal near Manton in the North Fork Battle Creek drainage. Photo by Laurie Aumak.
Eagle Canyon Dam on the North Fork Battle Creek as viewed from above with ladder spilling on far side of stream. Photos courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game.
This photo was taken looking upstream at Eagle Canyon Dam on the North Fork Battle Creek with ladder spilling at right and the pipe at left acting as penstock for hydropower to be generated downstream. Photos courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game.
This close up of the Eagle Canyon Dam fish ladder on the North Fork Battle Creek. Photos courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game.
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