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Map: 1G. Precipitation, Sheepscot River Watershed |
This map shows mean annual precipitation in the Sheepscot River watershed based on a computer model by the Spatial Climate Analysis Service at
Oregon State University, displayed along with sub-basins and Maine's coastline. The model is based on 1961-1990 rainfall data. Mean annual rainfall in
the basin is 43-53 inches per year, with the highest precipitation occurring in the northeastern corner of the watershed.
To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map Legend | Metadata File Name |
Subbasins (no labels) | subbasins.shp.txt |
Maine Coastline | Unavailable |
Atlantic Ocean, Bays, and Estuaries | Unavailable |
Mean Annual Precipitation 1961-1990 (PRISM) | rain61_90_me.shp.txt |
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