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WQ: Dissolved Oxygen MDEP Baseflow Sites 1999-2001 |
Caption: This chart shows the minimum, mean, and maximum dissolved oxygen (DO) levels measured during the Maine Department of Environmental Protection WQM Program's 1999-2001 baseflow study. Data were collected in June-October. DO levels were greatest in Trout Brook and the mainstem Sheepscot compared to the West Branch. Trout Brook DO ranged from 8.4-11.9 mg/L, the mainstem Sheepscot ranged from 6.7-11.2 mg/L, while the West branch ranges from 6.9-8.1 mg/L. Arter (2004) states that most DO measurements were taken in the morning when levels are generally lower due to nighttime respiration of algae. This is a small dataset composed of only 19 total samples; other datasets such as SVCA's water quality monitoring program have much more D.O. data. D.O. levels less than 7.0 mg/L are considered stressful to salmon (MDEP, 2001). See Info Links for more information.
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