Area |
Buckeye Creek |
Topic |
Sediment: TMDL Source Analysis Buckeye Creek Sub Basin |
Caption: The chart above shows the sources of sediment estimated for Buckeye Creek by the "Technical Support Document for the Gualala River Watershed Water Quality Attainment Action Plan for Sediment" (CWRCB, 2001). The Buckeye basin shows a similar pattern to the Gualala basin as a whole with roads being the largest estimated sediment source. High road surface erosion is also consistent with the high road densities in the Buckeye Creek watershed (see related sediment Topic). Kelly Road runs through much of Buckeye Creek and adds to road surface erosion (ROAD_SURF) and road related gully erosion (ROAD_GULLY). Estimated sediment yield is shown as tons of sediment yielded per square mile per year. Please note that the California Geologic Survey has reservations about the TSD results and methods. See Info Links for more information.
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