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Habitat Typing Information in KRIS Gualala
KRIS Web Background Pages: Habitat Typing
Leopold (1994) defines stream order as "a measure of the position of a stream in the hierarchy of tributaries." This relative guide to stream network classification came originally from Horton (1947) but was later modified by Strahler (1957). Stream order allows us to rank the size and potential power of streams. Orders range from small streams with no branches (1st Order) up to streams the size of the Mississippi River, which is a 10th Order. As two 1st Orders come together, they form a 2nd Order stream. Two 2nd orders converging form a 3rd Order. Streams of lower order joining a higher order stream do not change the order of the higher (see illustration).
Leopold (1994) cautions against using small scale maps for analysis, noting reduction in order when, for example, a U.S. Geologic Survey 1:100,000 map is used as opposed to the USGS 1:24,000 map. He also noted that the latter was still inadequate: "If actual channels are mapped on the ground, a far larger number will be found than those discerned on a published map." Hydrologists such as Horton (1947), Strahler (1957) and Leopold (1994), include intermittent steams when calculating stream order, but the California Department of Fish and Game does not (CDFG, 1998; Downie, 2002). When intermittent streams on the USGS 1:24,000 maps are eliminated, the result is a stream network representation that is actually less dense than that found on USGS 1:100,000 maps. This is demonstrated in the figures below.
Stream order discussions have bearing on the outputs of the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) model, which CDFG uses. If stream orders are lower, CDFG lowers criteria for expected pool depth, which is a critical parameter for survival of juvenile coho and older age steelhead juveniles (see Habitat Typing Information in KRIS Gualala). This may lead to model outputs indicating suitable habitat when pools are filled in and, at best, marginally suitable for salmonids. By ascribing lower order to these streams, CDFG may attribute lack of pool depth to lack of flow and hydraulic energy. A more thorough analysis using the stream order generally recognized by hydrologists might lead to recognition of much greater stream power and other reasons for lack of pool depth, such as sedimentation.
Cross Walk of Gualala Stream Orders from CDFG* and IFR
Stream_Name | CDFG_Order | IFR_Order |
Buckeye Creek | 3 | 4 |
Danfield Creek | 1 | 2 |
Doty Creek | 2 | 2 |
Dry Creek | 1 | 4 |
Dry Cr Trib | 1 | 2 |
House Creek | 3 | 4 |
Little NF | 2 | 3 |
Little NF Trib | 1 | 2 |
Log Cabin | 1 | 2 |
McGann Creek | 1 | 2 |
NF Gualala | 3 | 5 |
Palmer Canyon Creek | 1 | 2 |
Pepperwood Creek | 3 | 3 |
Robinson Creek | 1 | 3 |
Rockpile Creek | 3 | 4 |
SF Gualala | 4 | 4 |
Tombs Creek | 2 | 3 |
Wheatfield Fork | 4 | 5 |
* Stream order data from CDFG provided in an Excel table by Karen Bromley of CDFG on 6/20/02.
California Resources Agency. In Review. Gualala River Watershed Synthesis. CA Dept. of Fish and Game, State Water Res. Control Bd., CA Dept. of Water Resources, CA Div. on Mines and Geology and CA Dept. of Forestry. Sacramento, CA. (See NCWAP website for access at http://www.ncwatershed.ca.gov/).
CA Department of Fish and Game. 1998. California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual. Third Edition. Inland Fisheries Division. California Department of Fish and Game. Sacramento, CA. 495 p.
Downie, S. 2002. Memo entitled stream order, ad nauseum: regarding stream orders in KRIS Gualala and other projects and discrepancies with California Department of Fish and Game data. Electronic mail memo Friday, May 31, 2002 sent to Cathy Bleier (CA Resources Agency), CDFG staff and Gary Reedy of IFR..
Horton, R.E. 1947. Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins: hydrophysical approach to quantitative morphology. Geological Society of America. Bulletin 56: 275-370.
Leopold, L.B. A View of the River. Harvard University Press. 1994.
Strahler, A.N. 1957. Quantitative analysis of watershed geomorphology. American Geophysical Union Transactions. 38: 913-920.
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