Area |
South Fork Garcia |
Topic |
Habitat: Embeddedness Values for Lower SF Garcia 2002 |
Caption: This chart shows the results of a 2002 lower South Fork Garcia habitat typing survey with relative embeddedness of spawning gravel taken at pool tail crests. The California Department of Fish and Game (1998) recognizes that embeddedness should be less than 25% for optimal salmonid spawning habitat. While 18 measurements indicated optimal spawning gravels, 42 had moderate quality, 28 impaired conditions and 12 very poor conditions. The unsuitable category was added to surveys in 1998 and may be as a result of exposed bedrock or inundation with fine sediment. Data collected by Elizabeth Earthman and Jennifer Presnell of the Americorp Stewards program under the direction of the California Department of Fish and Game. See InfoLinks for more information and a link to CDFG reports.
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