Area |
Lower Garcia / Estuary |
Topic |
Sediment: Allen Creek - Percent Fines <0.85 mm, McBain&Trush 1999 |
Caption: This chart shows percent fines <0.85 mm in pool-tail gravels for various sites in Allen Creek in 1999. McBain and Trush (2000) used dry-sieve analysis to determine size distribution, while the Garcia TMDL threshold of 14% for sediment less than 0.85 mm refers to wet sieve samples. To make wet and dry samples comparable, the reference value shown is adjusted to 10.3 % by the IFR KRIS project using methods of Shirazi and Seim (1979). The scores indicate that the majority of sites had good spawning conditions for salmonids with regard to fines less than 0.85 mm. See InfoLinks for more information.
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