Area |
Coastal Tributaries South |
Topic |
Fish: Juvenile Steelhead Length Schooner Gulch 1990 |
Caption: This chart shows the length of Schooner Gulch steelhead caught electrofishing in November 1990 by Ted Wooster of the California Department of Fish and Game. Fish ranged in length from 72 mm to over 200 mm. Yearling and older steelhead are generally those over 100 mm (4 inches) with two year old fish usually over 150 mm (6 inches). Size classes are shown in different colors: young of the year are blue, yearlings light blue, two year old steelhead in light green and those over 200 mm in dark green. The latter are either three year old steelhead or resident trout. The age structure of the sample is similar to 1989 results (see previous Topic) and indicate good habitat conditions for steelhead in this creek. Click on InfoLinks for more information.
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