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Habitat: Large Woody Debris Volumes in Garcia R. Watershed, 1999 |
Caption: This chart shows the volume of large woody debris in cubic meters per kilometer in 12 Garcia River tributaries surveyed during the spring of 1999. Tributaries are arrayed in upstream order (downstream on left). Maahs and Barber (2001) note that other surveys on the north coast have shown that streams in old growth and second growth forests average 1200 and 220 cubic meter of LWD per kilometer, respectively. Most of the Garcia River streams shown in this graph all exceed the 220 cubic meters of LWD per kilometer, but are well below 1200. Data were collected by O'Connor Environmental (2001) for the Garcia River Instream Monitoring Report (Maahs and Barber, 2001). See InfoLinks for more information. A key to stream names is listed below:
Whitlow = Whitlow Creek
Lee = Lee Creek
NF Garcia = North Fork of the Garcia River
Mill = Mill Creek
Pardaloe = Pardaloe Creek
H/G's Cabin = Horace's/Grant's Cabin Creek
Allen = Allen Creek
Inman = Inman Creek
SF Garcia = South Fork of the Garcia River
Blue Waterhole = Blue Waterhole Creek
Fleming = Fleming Creek
Rolling Brook = Rolling Brook
Mean of all = Mean of all 12 streams
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