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Blue Waterhole Creek |
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Sediment: Blue Waterhole - Percent Fines <5.6 mm, McBain&Trush 1999 |
Caption: This chart shows cumulative percent substrate less than 5.6 mm for sample sites in Blue Waterhole Creek in 1999. The Garcia EPA TMDL set a target of 30% for fines less than 6.4 mm based on wet sieve analysis. The KRIS IFR staff has used conversion from Shirazi and Seim (1979) to adjust this target for dry sieve methods, which were used by McBain and Trush (2000). Three sites exceed the adjusted reference of 26% for fines less than 6.4 mm, which indicates less than optimal conditions for emergence and survival of salmonids. Data are from McBain and Trush (2000). See InfoLinks for more information.
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