Identifier: GEOUNIT Title: California North Coast Geology - Private Forestlands Originator: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Edition: 1 Publication Date: 19991101 Information Resource Type: Spatial data Scale: 1:24,000 Other Citation Abstract: Geologic units and geomorphic features were mapped by the California Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology in the early 1980's, in cooperation with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, and the State Water Resources Control Board. The mapping effort covered most North Coast private forestlands and included 60 7.5' quadrangles. The maps were digitized in cooperation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection in the early 90's and are available in GIS format. As part of this project, two distinct product series were created, each with unique metadata: 1) geology 2) geomorphic features. Each product series contains GIS data layers, symbology layers and AML (ArcInfo Macro Language) programs for map generation, and graphics (PDF) files for each quad. The graphics files show geologic units overlain on contours, public land survey, roads, and other features that were extracted from scanned 7.5' U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. Purpose: The maps were originally created in response to the Clean Water Act (1972) requirements that each state develop plans to control sources of water pollution, including those related to silvicultural practices and natural runoff that occurs in forested areas. The maps/data are useful in preparation of Timber Harvesting Plans, and for use by land managers for identifying areas of potentially unstable ground. The maps/data serve as a guide to potential problem areas where more site-specific review is required. Supplemental Information: Bedrossian, Trinda L. Watershed Mapping in Northern California. California Geology, June 1983. Bedrossian, Trinda L. Watershed Mapping in Northern California, an update. California Geology, February 1986. Time Period: Start: 1982 End: 1985 Currentness: Ground Condition Progress: Complete Update Frequency: Irregular Bounding Box: -124 45 00, 38 45 00 -123 37 30, 42 00 00 Themes: Earth Sciences Landslides Watersheds Geology Mines & Mineral Resources Erosion Forests & Forestry Water Quality Access No restrictions Limitations: Limits on Use: The State of California, the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and the Department of Conservation make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. Neither the State nor the Departments shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages with respect to any claim by any user or third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps. Users should cite the Departments of Conservation and Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but clearly denote cases where the original data have been updated, modified, or in any way altered from the original condition. There are no restrictions on distribution of the data or reproduction of maps created from the graphics files. However, users are encouraged to refer others to the Department of Conservation to acquire the data, in case updated data become available. Data Contact: Kit Custis 916-324-1236 Size (MB): The entire geology and geomorphic features product series can be obtained on a single CD-ROM. Each graphics (PDF) file averages 1 MB. Native Format: ARC/INFO Export Distributor Division of Mines and Geology, Information Desk 801 K St. MS 14-34 Sacramento, Ca. 95814 916-445-5716 Metadata Date: 19991101 Metadata Contact: Joy Arthur 916-327-1042 DATA DICTIONARY Geology products are provided on a single CD-ROM which contains the following directories: GEO_COVS: contains the GIS data layers associated with geology and geomorphic features. PLOT: contains fonts, custom symbolsets, logos, key legend files, symbology layers, and AMLs needed to create geology maps You should create a directory on your local drive, and copy the PLOT and GEO_COVS directories into it. The PLOT directory contains AMLs that must be run within the PLOT directory, and that look for data in a sister directory called GEO_COVS. You are not required to copy the PDF directory to a local drive. The CD can be used to store the graphics files for individual retrieval when needed. Each of the main geology products (data layer, AML, graphics file, etc.) is documented below. ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: GEOUNIT PURPOSE: This coverage contains polygons representing "geologic units", with lithologic contact and quad/study boundary coding as line attributes. FEATURE TYPES: POLYGON, LINE DATABASE FIELDS (polygon attributes): INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ----------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----------------- UNITCODE 10 10 C - Abbreviated geologic unit name FIELD NAME: UNITCODE (lookup table UNITCODE.LUT contains these descriptions) UNITCODE DESCRIPTION --------- ---------------------------------------- KJfbf Franciscan Complex, Broken Formation KJfr Franciscan Schist of Redwood Creek KJfs Central Belt Franciscan Complex, sedimentary rocks KJfsc sandstone and melange unit of Snow Camp Mountain KJfsc-ss sandstone block within melange unit of Snow Camp Mountain Kga Gualala Formation, Anchor Bay Member Kus White Rock sandstone Mgs Galloway-Schooner Gulch Formation Mmy Monterey Group Pgr German Rancho Formation Por Ohlson Ranch Formation Q undivided Quaternary sedimentary rocks QTfa Falor Formation QTrd Rio Dell Formation QTsb Scotia Bluffs Sandstone QTwu Wildcat Group, undifferentiated Qac alluvial fan/colluvium Qal alluvium Qb Battery Formation Qbs beach and dune sand Qc Carlotta Formation Qe estuarine deposits Qf alluvial fan deposits Qfp-Qmts flood plain deposits-marine terrace deposits Qh Hookton Formation Ql lacustrine deposits Qmts marine terrace deposits Qmts-c marine terrace deposits, Caspar Point Qmts-f marine terrace deposits, Caspar Railroad Qmts-f marine terrace deposits, Fern Creek Qmts-h marine terrace deposits, Hans Jenny pit Qmts-j marine terrace deposits, Jug Handle Farm Qmts-l marine terrace deposits, lower Caspar Orchard Qmts-r marine terrace deposits, Caspar Railroad Qmts-u marine terrace deposits, upper Caspar Orchard Qoal older alluvium Qods older dune sands Qoe older estuarine deposits Qort older river terrace deposit Qr Rohnerville Formation Qrt river terrace deposits Qsc stream channel deposits Qt terrace deposits Qta Anderson Valley Alluvium Qtrd-Ter undifferentiated Rio Dell Formation and Eel River Formation TKfs Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex TKfs-gs Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex, greenstone TKfs-ls Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex, limestone TKfs-ss Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex, sandstone TKfs-sz Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex, shear zone TKfs-u Coastal Belt Franciscan Complex, undetermined TKy Yager Formation Ter Eel River Formation Tmx Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Tp Pullen Formation Ts sandstone Tsg St. George Formation Tw Wimer Formation af artificial fill bm bay mud d diorite fg San Andreas fault zone gouge fm Franciscan melange fm-bs blueschist block within Franciscan melange fm-cg conglomerate block within Franciscan melange fm-ch chert block within Franciscan melange fm-d diabase within Franciscan malange fm-gb gabbro within Franciscan melange fm-gs greenstone block within Franciscan melange fm-gs,ch greenstone and chert block within Franciscan melange fm-ls limestone fm-ls limestone block within Franciscan melange fm-sch Semi-schist and phyllite fm-sch semi-schist and phyllite fm-sch semischist or phyllite block within Franciscan melange fm-sp serpentine block within Franciscan melange fm-ss sandstone block within Franciscan melange fm-u undifferentiated block within Franciscan melange mv volcanic rocks out out of study area quarry quarry sz shear zone u undifferentiated block within Franciscan melange water water DATABASE FIELDS (line attributes): INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ----------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----------------------------------- CONTACT 1 1 C - lithologic contact location accuracy FIELD NAME: CONTACT CONTACT DESCRIPTION ------- ----------- k known location a approximate location c coastline q quad/study area boundary COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection UTM Units METERS Spheroid CLARKE1866 Parameters: 1st standard parallel 34 0 0.000 2nd standard parallel 40 30 0.000 central meridian -120 0 0.00 latitude of projection's origin 0 0 0.000 false easting (meters) 0.00000 false northing (meters) 0.00000 ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: QUADS PURPOSE: Used to set geographic extent of each map to a specific quad, used to "mask out" features drawn beyond the specific quad boundary. FEATURE TYPE: POLYGON DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ----------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----------------- QUADNAME 27 27 C - 7.5' quad name FULLNAME 35 35 C - Same as QUADNAME, no abbrev. USGSCODE 7 7 C - Standard USGS quad code OFR 12 12 C - Div. of Mines & Geology map code ALTNAME 35 35 C - Alternate 7.5' quad name (usually the 15' quad name and quadrant) *********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: QUAD_UNITS PURPOSE: Overlay of GEOUNITS coverage and QUADS, used for labelling geologic units to ensure each polygon that appears in a quad gets a text label. FEATURE TYPE: POLYGON DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ----------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----------------- UNITCODE 10 10 C - Abbreviated geologic unit name (UNITCODE contains the same codes as GEOUNIT coverage) ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: GEOLINES PURPOSE: This coverage contains "linear" data (faults, lithologic contacts etc.). FEATURE TYPE: LINE DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---------------------- FEATURE 20 20 C - Feature Description ACT-DOR 1 1 C - Active/Dormant coding (if applicable) TYPE 1 1 C - Locational accuracy (if applicable) DIP 2 2 I - Dip angle of fault (if applicable) FIELD NAME: FEATURE FEATURE DESCRIPTION --------- ------------ Anticlinal-axis Anticlinal-axis Fault Fault Gradational-contact Gradational-contact Lineament (photo) Lineament (photo) Scarp Scarp Slip-fault Slip-fault Synclinal-axis Synclinal-axis Thrust-fault Thrust-fault FIELD NAME: ACT-DOR ACT-DOR DESCRIPTION ------- ---------------- a active feature d dormant feature FIELD NAME: TYPE TYPE DESCRIPTION ------ ----------------- k known location a approximate, infered or queried location ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: GEOPOINTS PURPOSE: This coverage contains "point" data such as mine, spring and quarry locations. FEATURE TYPE: POINT DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS DESCRIPTION ---------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---------------------- FEATURE 20 20 C - Feature Description DIP 5 5 C - Dip angle of Strike (if applicable) ANGLE 3 3 I - Angle of Strike measured from North in direction of dip (if applicable) FIELD NAME: FEATURE FEATURE DESCRIPTION -------------- ------------------- Dipbed Strike and Dip of Bedding Dipbed-approx Approximate Strike and Dip of Bedding Dipfault Strike and Dip of Fault Dipfrac Strike and Dip of Fracture or Shear Dipover Strike and Dip of Overturned Bedding Dipvert Strike and Dip of Vertical Bedding Dipvrtfrac Strike of Vertical Fracture or Shear Horiz-bed Horizontal Bedding Borrow Borrow Pit Marsh Marsh Mine Mine Outcrop Rock Outcrop (undetermined or unitcode) Quarry Quarry Spring Spring Spring-mineral Spring Spring-sulfur Spring Spring-thermal Spring Well Well ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: ACLIN_SYM PURPOSE: coverage used to create legend symbol only. ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: SCLIN_SYM PURPOSE: coverage used to create legend symbol only. ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: SFLT_SYM PURPOSE: coverage used to create legend symbol only. ********************************************************************** COVERAGE NAME: GEOSYM PURPOSE: Contains linear features that are used to create standard geologic map symbols. FEATURE TYPE: LINE DATABASE FIELDS: INPUT OUTPUT DATA DECI DESCRIPTION FIELD NAME WIDTH WIDTH TYPE MALS ----------- ----- ------ ---- ---- ----------------------- ACT-DOR 1 1 C - Active/dormant coding SYM 1 1 C - line symbol coding ARROW 4 4 I - Arrowhead type FIELD NAME: ACT-DOR ACT-DOR DESCRIPTION ------- ----------- a active feature d dormant feature FIELD NAME: SYM SYM DESCRIPTION --- ----------- d anticline, syncline, fault direction and fault-dip arrows f thrust fault directional arrows FIELD NAME: ARROW ARROW DESCRIPTION ----- ----------- 4 arrowhead symbol (used in arcplot) for anticline, syncline, fault direction and faultdip arrows ********************************************************************** AML NAME: geology.aml PURPOSE: This AML creates 1:24,000 scale 7.5' quad geology maps. Everything needed by this AML should be included, except for the "backdrop" images of contour lines. The AML line that draws this image has been commented out. It can be activated if the user has access to backdrops of contours or other desired features. ********************************************************************** FILE NAME: "quad_name".pdf (the standard USGS quad name is used with any blanks replaced with an underscore) PURPOSE: Provides 7.5' quad geology map products that can be downloaded and plotted ********************************************************************** DOCUMENTATION DATES: February, 2001: Reprojected to UTM NAD27 (no shift), and clipped to KRIS Project study area. Contact Name: P. J. Trichilo Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428