FISHSITES.* Files come from appendix tables in the: Aquatic Species Distribution on Mendocino Redwood Company Forestlands 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000 and 2001 "The primary objective of this study is to conduct basin-wide stream surveys to assess the existing fish distribution and species compositions for watersheds in Mendocino Redwood Company's (MRC) ownership. The study was initially conducted by the previous land owner (Louisiana Pacific) during the summers of 1994, 1995 and 1996. At the time of this report, MRC has conducted the survey for two summers (2000 and 2001). MRC will repeat the study during the summer of 2002. By conducting the study in three year increments all year classes of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are surveyed." Written by: Mendocino Redwood Company, LLC Watershed and Fisheries Department P.O. Box 489 Fort Bragg Ca. 95437 January, 2002 Tables were copied into Excel format from the original *.pdf file of the report by Bryan Flaig March, 2002. Ltchannelsites.* is an ArcView point coverage shapefile sent by Chris Surfleet, Hyrdrologist at MRC on January 28, 2002. Projection is unknown. No metadata accompanied the data. Data was created by MRC staff, and contains dates and reach locations in Mendocino County for MRC surveys of Thalweg, X-Section, and Permeability samples for 1998 - 2001.